To support participation in its activities and annual meetings, the Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE) awards stipends to New Scholars (graduate students or recent graduates within 4 years of receiving doctorate) who are selected to present a CAE-sponsored paper or poster at the place-based annual meetings. The stipends are intended to help defray expenses associated with participating IN PERSON in the annual meetings. The awarded stipends total approximately $250 each. Individuals are eligible to receive the stipend only one time, and first-time presenters will receive priority. Preference is given to individuals from underrepresented groups who meet the criteria below. Applicants are invited to name their membership in any group(s) they belong to that they believe warrants consideration as underrepresented in the field of educational anthropology.
Awardees will be notified prior to the AAA meetings, and the awards will be formally announced in conjunction with the AAA meeting. The monetary award will be dispersed via electronic check. We welcome submissions from applicants of all citizenship statuses who are practicing anthropologists, regardless of where you are located on the globe.
* Priority given to members of CAE
* New Scholar (graduate student or recent graduate within 4 years of receiving doctorate)
* Priority given to first author on a paper or poster selected for presentation in a CAE-sponsored session in the place-based (in-person) meetings.
* Priority given to new scholars from an underrepresented group
* Priority given to first-time presenters
* Priority given to members of AAA
* Priority given to evidence of active contribution to CAE
Selection Criteria:
1. Eligibility (see above)
2. Financial need as described in application
3. Abstract of paper or poster demonstrates high quality/rigor, clarity, and contributes to CAE’s mission of advancing positive social/educational change (i.e., work that promotes anti-oppressive, socially equitable, and racially just solutions to educational problems
Only complete applications are eligible for consideration.
Submission Procedure: Application will be available here and via CAE listservs (Google groups and Communities) in early July.
Deadline: August 1