2024 CAE Frederick Erickson Outstanding Dissertation Award

Call for Nominations!

DEADLINE August 10, 2024

The Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE) has established an annual award to recognize the author of an outstanding dissertation recently completed in the field of anthropology and education.  It is named after esteemed educational anthropologist, Frederick Erickson, Professor Emeritus, UCLA GSEIS. The award recipient will receive $500.


Any member of CAE in good standing can nominate a recently completed dissertation for this award.


A nominated dissertation should have been successfully defended no earlier than 3 calendar years prior to the year in which it is nominated. 


Nominations should be uploaded through the Google survey by August 10, 2024. Please direct questions to CAE Dissertation Award Committee Chair, Edmund ‘Ted’ Hamann, ehamann2@unl.edu

Nomination Materials

Google Survey will ask for:

  1. Nominee’s name, email address, and current role/position
  2. Nominee’s dissertation title, institution from which nominee received the PhD, dissertation chair(s), and year degree was conferred
  3. Nominator’s name, title/position, institution, and email address
  4. Upload a 15-20-page (5,000 words maximum) abstract of the dissertation written by the nominee that includes (in whatever format is most appropriate for the dissertation) the researcher’s positionality/relation to the work, an overview of the methods, description of major findings, and implications/conclusions, including an articulation of the work’s contributions to the field of educational anthropology;
  5. Upload a letter (3 pages maximum), from the nominator summarizing the strengths of the dissertation, including the strength of anthropological theory and method, scholarly excellence, the relevance to educational anthropology, innovative or insightful approaches, and implications for research and practice in the field of educational anthropology; 

Evaluation Guidelines

The dissertation award committee will be guided by such considerations as: 

  1. The issue addressed in the study bridges the theories and practices of anthropology and education; 
  2. The author-researcher applies anthropological methods and concepts in handling and reporting data thoroughly and insightfully; and
  3. The study is of high quality and makes an important contribution to the field. 


A short list of finalists will be selected over the summer. Finalists will be asked to submit copies of their completed dissertation within 2 weeks of notification. The winner will be selected from among the finalists on the basis of a reading of the completed dissertation by all members of the award committee.

Membership in CAE

Thanks for your interest in this dissertation award; we can’t wait to welcome you and help build your community. We invite you to join our American Anthropological Association (AAA) community for as low as $49/year for graduate students, $50/year for retirees, and $59/year for professionals. When you join, you automatically receive access to membership in one or more of our specialized sections, you become a member of our community, and you obtain access to over 250,000 full-text articles in AnthroSource. Find the Council of Anthropology and Education (CAE) membership category at this section(s) link.

[Rubric for Frederick Erickson Outstanding Dissertation competition]


Name of Nominee:

Name of Rater:

1 pt
Very good 
2 pts
3 pts
1. strength of anthropological theory and method
2. scholarly excellence (study is of high quality, rigorous, handles and reports data thoroughly)
3. the relevance to educational anthropology 
4. innovative or insightful approaches (creative, pushes theoretical or methodological boundaries)
5. implications for research and practice in the field of educational anthropology

Total Points: